Welcome to ilaments Jewelry! If this is your first time experiencing ilaments I would like to Thank you for stopping by and Shopping with us! I believe you're Vibes attract your tribe!
Let's imagine together that I have my own Boutique, the wind chimes just chimed as your entered my beautiful Jewelry Botanica! Filled with unique stones, handmade gifts & healing products! If I just met you in person I would have already found out your Zodiac sign & probably given you Jewelry right off of my own ears!
That's just who I am & love sharing my stories, like the Cool Magia Sage kit I made above & the spiritual experiences I've had cleansing with Sage, why I use it, how the abalone seashell is also healing etc, etc. I could go on and on with hopes that it inspires you in some way!
My Friends call me "Boss" and I'm known as the "Chola Boss" as an aka Persona that I believe everyone has an Inner Chola in them. It also just comes out from growing up in L.A.'s South Central and how I've come to experience this Spiritual Gangsta Lifestyle!
I've started to create these Beautiful Flower Sage Rose Bundles above! Honestly this Re-Branding from Jewelry Designer, to Spiritual Healer feels like its been happening overnight. But really it's been happening my whole life since I was a kid. I just didnt know I had Clairvoyant gifts until after my teens. But I just kept it to myself because I thought I would been seen as weird or different.
Yet stones and Jewelry have just called to my spirit since I was 7 yrs old. And over the years I love inspirational quotes, scripture & anything that calls to heal my spirit. Like these Rose quartz or Sage bundles to help bring more self love & cleansing in your home and now to Essential oils like the ones below. I love these!!! Especially the Blessed Florida Water Roller! Talk about being baptized in just a few seconds with one quick Roller!
So Florida Water was created over 200 yrs ago, a Cologne created with citrus scents & holy water to cleanse your spirit from negative energies! I thought It would be a great idea to create an On the Go Roller for anyone who just wants to refresh and protect their spirit anytime.
All of this to show how I've been inspired creatively lately! Honestly it has all been by Divine Intervention.
Having this time at home has given me the opportunity to go in and tap into My Genius talents. One as a Writer, Spiritual Clairvoyant, Story Teller, Visionary & now Healer.
I hope this helps you get to know me a little more & help explain why all of a sudden there's all these flowers in my shop!
My whole studio has been turned upside down into a Botanica overnight, and I'm just listening and letting the Creator take the lead!
Keep in touch! I hope all these beautiful healing plants bring you some joy & help you go within to find your hidden genius talents, too!
I didnt choose the Spiritual Gangsta life, it chose me!
CEO/Jewelry Whisperer /Healer
I can Resonate so much to your story! I’m A Very Spiritual and Intuitive Mujar! I too was like this as A child and really didn’t understand! One of My Goals has been to Design Special Jewelry! Listening to your story is Very Inspirational and Gives me Hope! Thanks!