Welcome to ilaments Jewelry Blog. This is where I will be sharing My Latest IG Live Design Challenge. So long story short since Covid happened life has changed so much, including how we do business.
I went from doing Pop-ups every weekend to now selling mostly online and Instagram Lives, eek!! I asked everyone how often I should do my IG Lives and someone said, EVERYDAY, Lol!
So I took on the crazy challenge to do an IG Live featuring one new piece of Jewelry that I have designed. But what my Instagram lives have been turning into are Daily Affirmations & Spiritual Gangsta inspirations!
In today's IG Live I chose to pull the Prayer Card Psalms 118:24
"This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it."
Let's start to celebrate even the little things in life. It's tangible when you think about it like this. Small wins over time can become big wins! And if you are in a state of gratitude, I believe it can be life changing. Imagine waking up in the state of rejoicing in the thought of a brand new day? A whole new day to start over, to create new art, new designs, new anything!! What a beautiful thought!
Which leads me to the purpose behind this blog post, which is to share my IG Live affirmations & daily designs for the next 30 days!!! Starting with these two beauties below:
The first design being our Plant Lady Love Earrings, handmade with these beautifully, Kelly Green Faux Leather leaves and wire-wrapped with a carved resin red rose! You can enjoy these statement earrings all year round!
Next Jewelry Design is our Divine Love Pearl Necklace, handmade with a Evil Eye Seed Bead Necklace! I love this Fresh Water Pearl Necklace so much because of the tiny little multi-colored seed beads strung in between each pearl. Representing Love is Love for Pride Month!
Our Spiritual message that came thru our IG Live tonight was inspired by the Book "The Law of Divine Compensation" On Work, Money and Miracles by: Marianne Williamson.
I read tonite from Chapter 8 "Spiritual Surrender" "The Law of Cause & Effect is the building block of the universe". This is so true. Every thought we think, creates our life! God even spoke the world into existence!!!
For example in Genesis 1:14-19
"Then God said, "Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days and years: 15 And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so."
What is important to point out here is that God spoke light into existence! And so the lesson is to understand how powerful what you think and SPEAK into existence will come into the universe & more importantly into your life!
So tonight on my IG Live I shared how important Spiritual Surrendering is! To Let things be. Every experience, every memory has brought you to who you are today and who you will be tomorrow. Our job is to approach life with a shift in our mindsets from being Fear based and worried to trusting the Universe with Love.
"Love is the Miracle" and the answer to the Law of Cause & Effect! Your thoughts create your life, EVERYDAY! So you want to change your life, begin by changing your mindset. Like in the show Friends, PIVOT! Lol!(You got to watch the Friends Re-Union) A must for Friends Fans!
And like the Book of "The Law of Compensation" says, " A Shift in thinking from fear to love is the miracle." This is a very powerful thought! So I encourage you to start 21 Days of a Habit of Love! Apply a loving way to everything you do in your life! You might be asking like my 15 year old daughter is, "Mom how do you do that" and I said, "Well start with self love, self care". Simple things like working out for your well being, cleaning your space, making your lunch with love!
But make it a consistent habit. This is how you change the condition of living in a fear based way to switching to being a loved based way. The big key is to just start without worrying about a problem. Switch to what you want the outcome to be. Focus on a loving outcome, then do this everyday until love becomes a habit! Or until Love shows up in the form of your miracles!
The reality is you won't know if it will work until you really try it. I have no idea how I am going to do 30 days of IG Lives in showcasing a new piece everyday. My only answer is to show up and try it! That's it! That's where I'm gonna feel my way into what design wants to manifest itself! And can also apply this to my life.
I will leave you with this last quote from our ilaments IG Live "We experience who we really are, and what it is we're meant to do, in any moment when we pour our love into the universe."
So this is me pouring my love of designing Jewelry into the Universe!
Lisa Ila Rocha