News — Healing
Self Love is the Key to your Power
Your Spiritual Journey can only begin when your ready to start putting all your energy on you. Some people wonder what does self love look like? It looks like making yourself a priority! Putting everyone & everything secondary. When you start to put your energy on you, all the things that weren't serving your highest purpose will fall away. Take note of friendships that end, people who you might even have known you for what seems like life times or soulmates or twin flames. Those who are meant to be in your life, will be! People are like trees. I'm...
Cleanse Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself!
When you begin a Spiritual Healing Journey the first thing to do is Listen to Your Intuition and be Patience! These are two key things to recognize as you walk thru this thing we call life! We are all experiencing it through our own way. Yet if you don't stop to notice when your ankle gets twisted, it's a sign to do some grounding work. Or listen to that inner voice that told you to stop calling that person. These are all little or sometimes big signs of the direction you need to go in. If you never tried to...
5 HEALING POWERS OF SAGE Sage for centuries has traditionally been used for ceremonial purification rituals. It clears one's energy of physical & mental negative energies. It is believed that all plants & living things have its own spirit. White Sage is devoted to protect, bless and tap into the power of clearing negative energies. 1. Antibiotic Properties It has been scientifically proven that Sage has Antibiotic properties which most people have found relief from sinus congestion, pain and even migranes. The best way to use the Spirit of Sage is to burn it. Burn your Bundle of dried sage...