
Love is the Miracle - IG Live Day 1 Challenge

Love is the Miracle - IG Live Day 1 Challenge

Welcome to ilaments Jewelry Blog. This is where I will be sharing My Latest IG Live Design Challenge. So long story short since Covid happened life has changed so much, including how we do business. I went from doing Pop-ups every weekend to now selling mostly online and Instagram Lives, eek!! I asked everyone how often I should do my IG Lives and someone said, EVERYDAY, Lol!  So I took on the crazy challenge to do an IG Live featuring one new piece of Jewelry that I have designed. But what my Instagram lives have been turning into are Daily...

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Gemstone Meditation Healing Guide with Fire Agate

Gemstone Meditation Healing Guide with Fire Agate

Welcome to ilaments Gemstone Healing Guide. When you want to start meditating with your crystals, the easiest way is to start attuning with its energy. First step is to pick your crystal or stones you want to mediate with. I don't know about you. But I believe the crystals choose you and vice versa. My crystals speak to me. I listen to what my spirit needs at that moment or that day and then choose my stone I want to meditate with or help me. Today, I have chosen fire agate. I love the energy of its fire element the...

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The 6 Latina Jewelry Pieces You Need in Tu Vida

Latina Jewelry Brand. Handmade Jewelry. Valentine's Day Jewelry  

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Healing with Herbal Sage Bundles

Healing with Magia Herbs! All healing essentially begins within & is also effected by the energy around you! Cinnamon is one of the many herbs that amplifies your Magia or Magic! You can add it to any intention or herb and watch it manifest as well as magnify its properties. This is due to its magical properties and why we have wrapped it with Fresh Sage for its cleansing abilities & Dried Oranges to bring more zest & prosperity into your life. Cinnamon is known to bring you protection,  love, healing, prosperity, spiritual awareness, and enhance your psychic abilities. (We...

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